I've decided to change a few things around on this page. I'll continue posting production notes and needs but I'm going to include roms for projects in the works or just games I think deserve a translation. I'd also like to say that this change is mostly inspired by Ballz's own page. That and I've always wanted to offer up some of the more hard to find Japanese roms.
I'm also still willing to host stray projects and help out anyone new to translations. Just leave me an e-mail or contact me via ICQ if you can. I rather see GP as a place to learn how to translate.
Here are a few NES games I recommend you try:
LaGrange Point (Konami)- A Crystalis-like (at least in graphics) RPG.
Otaku Galaxy (Kotobuki)- This game would be great except the enemies are horrible
Doublemoon Densetsu (Masya)- A Dragon warrior-esque RPG
SNES games:
Metal Max 2- The sequel to Metal Max on the NES
Arabian Nights- An RPG set in Arab Lore but it does not run properly in ZSNES,
it fares better in Snes9x
I already have my eyes set upon working on a SNES RPG called Little Master Episode 3- Jewels of the Rainbow for the summer. Hopefully this project will fly. I'm about to complete the tbl I'll need to get a dump of the game, Kanji and all.