-Musashi: For those of you who have regularly visited this site only to find no update,
I felt it was time to make up for that. So what's going on? Right now I'm still working
on Sweet Home and have decided to actively work on LME3 again at the same time. Don't expect
much until I get back to school. I seem to get little done over the summer.
-Well Sweet Home is coming along nicely. Most of the menus (all I think) are done as well
as the intro scene text. The way I have the script formatted and divided up I have it in
12 parts. So consider tranlation at the 1 out of 12 mark.
-Musashi: Announcing the release of Tetrastar version 1.00
-Musashi: Announcing the release of the Doremi patch version 0.80 that translates the SNES
platformer called Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon's Quest. The page will be updated later.
Right now a link to the zip with the IPS patch has been added and that's it. The
romhacking was done by recluse as he headed this project. Translation support came
from Rom, Faraday and myself. Betaq testing was done graciously by Farbanti and
Balaraddak. It's good work so far, enjoy the release.
-Musashi: Pic up by request... Is "Sweet Home" the correct title? I'm assuming it is.
That first word's a bit hard to make out. Yeah, well anyways...
-Musashi: Started a translation of Sweet Home for the Famicom. Its a nice
little horror RPG. Dumped the script and translated the menus.
The substrings are figured out and I put in a spiffy looking horror font.
A page for it will be up when i get more done.
-Musashi: I finished romhacking in part 1 of tetrastar and today I received part 2 completely translated by |tsr.
-recluse: I updated the Do-Re-Mi page with some new screenshots. Progress is good.
--The Musashi project is going darn-tootin' well.
--Unicorn's changed his name to Rom.
--The entire Ninja Rahoi Script is complete except for proofreading and revisions for the sake
of consistency. Bokudono's done a great job. His site also now has an english version which the
link on the Link page now directs browsers to.
--Okay, seems Ufouria, could be a European version of Hebereke. Should I bother continue with the
translation or are there enough differences in the game to actually continue this project? Please
e-mail me if you can shed some light on the differences.
--To the members, I'm looking for some productivity here. For those of you
who are actually doing work (you know who you are and I can actually still
contact and talk to you) I'd like to say great work. Things are coming around nicely.
Um... for the rest of you, well I better hear of some serious results/progress or you
get the boot. I don't like getting harsh but this is necessary.
--Bokudono reports that the Ninja Rahoi script is near completion. JaR21 is making
progress on the first three towns.
--Amalgam has joined GP and is currently working with recluse on a SNES project.
--Super Bonk 2 english patch version 100 released!
--Well now I'm waiting for a completely translated script for both Hebereke and
Tetrastar. They should be progressing. Bokudono alos reports good progress with
the last third of the Ninja Rahoi script.
--Amalgam has assisted in translating several lists for Little Master Episode 3 and
parts of these are being inserted now.
--I'm also getting much closer to getting a complete dump for LME3 with Wildbill's help
ing getting the kanji into the table file. Of the 2000 kanji, we're now well past the
halfway mark.
--I've dumped the entire script to a fun little action game called Hebereke for the
Famicom. This will be my next side project for the Nes. Use either FwNes or BioNes.
--I decided to ditch the roms in the archive. I'm not even sure anyone used them.
I'm also going to remove the ones on project pages eventually (the links, the roms
themselves are gone already). I've also decided to consult the rest of the active
members here to see what we can do about giving GP a new look and feel.
--Of the half script I have now for Tetrastar about half 2/3 of it is hacked it.
--Good stuff with Musashi, both scripts are 100% translated. Now for those lists...
--TransBRC releases 0.33alpha patch for
Little Magic, a fantasy NES strategy game. I served as translator for what's done.
Check it out.
--In the Tetrastar department I've begun romhacking in the half of the script I have.
The introduction and most of the cutscenes after level one are done.
--Little Master Episode 3 patch version 0.15 released. Tell me what you think.
--Half the Tetrastar script is translated! Thanks to tsr.
--The Musashi scripts, both 1 and 2, and 90%-95%. All that's left is soem editting and
a few gaps. Thanks goes to Bokudono and Unicorn for this work. Er... I did some too.
--Well with this patch for LME3 out I'll take a break from it and focus on Tetrastar. By the
time I can get a LME3 script I should be wrapping up Tetrastar
--Unicorn, a new Japanese translator has joined us at GP. He's already
completely translated recluse's Doremi script. Welcome!
--GP would like to welcome new member JaR21 to the group. He will be taking
over the romhacking job for one of my projects.
--recluse's SNES translation project, Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon's Quest, now has a
page. A script has been dumped and both the translation and romhacking is well
underway. The game itself is very fun, go give it whirl.
--The Tetrastar is now in progress, however if someone would like to save me some time
and work on translationg a 4-5 KB script feel free. =) You can find it
here. A page for this is also up.
--The Rom Archive is up, check the Production page
--Got a script dump for Tetrastar but at last count there are 12 kanji that
still need identification before I can dump a clean script.
--Lots of new ideas are getting tossed around too and spirits are high.
--Best of all the Links page is alphabetized!!! Pheh...
--The main dump for Musashi is 85% completed and editted.
--I'm very near dumping the script for my new side project Tetrastar, a
3d shooter for famicom. All I have to do now for this tbl is identify
12 kanji squashed into 8x8 tiles.
--Earthbound alpha page up! Its by Balaraddak himself.
--Gaijin Productions would like to welcome Balaraddak to the group. He is currently
working on a hack of Earthbound Zero, currently dubbed Earthbound alpha. A page will
be put up soon along with the patch that has been previously released.
--The Repository is open. I'll work on the roms next. These will be roms that
pretain to projects in progress, I'm considering, or just plain like.
--More Musashi script progress from Bokudono's end. Check out his
site for news on
his other Spanish translation project.
--Links updated. I'll add more later.
--Back from Spring Break, it was fun while it lasted.
--Good script progress for the Musashi project.
--I've nearly finished my translation bit for Destiny of an Emperor 2.
--I'm adding a new section called the Repository if you
didn't know already. This past winter break I did somework with several games.
I made various .tbl files and partial dumps. Since working on them I've
come to the realization I can't possibly work on all of them right now. Instead
I'll have them for download for anyone to work on. All I ask is that proper credit
be given to the original creators of the files (since its only my stuff that person
would be me). I'm basically working off of faith here, try not to crush it
too fast. If you e-mail me nicely I'm also very willing to help you understand what
I've worked on. I'm always willing to help newbies ("always" for now)
--A counter is now at the bottom of the page www.the-liu.com/Gaijin page thanks to
--Gaijin Productions will be getting a facelift soon, well er... one
day, maybe not so soon, but eventually.
--All zips should be downloading correctly.
--recluse has dumped the script for his Metal Max project, a NES RPG. We are currently
looking for translators willing to help get this script translated.
--Silkroad 1.01 released. The game is unchaged since last but the zip now contains
the file Warning.txt that details how to avoid the game from crashing.
--A Welcome goes out to Spiffmaster Cow, who will be romhacking for an upcoming SNES
translation project, and to recluse who is working on his own project with our assistance.
--MadHacker, a while ago, dumped the script to Musashi and I have alreafy begun translating it.
In addition MadHacker almost has a completely functional script insertor. He's still working
to eliminate the last of the kinks in the program.
--This page can be found at
http://taichou.dynip.com/Gaijin as well as at the new location at
--Bokudono has completed translating a third of the Ninja Ra Hoi Script.
--Rainbow Silkroad version 1.00 released.
--Gaijin Productions (well me, Musashi since I'm the only one) would like to
send out a resounding welcome to Bokudono. Bokudono has decided to
join this humble group (again just me) as a translator. Currently Bokudono is
translating the script for Ninja Ra Hoi which is coming along nicely. Visit
Bokudono's page at
Bienvenido al sitio de Bokudono where he plans to also produce a Spanish version
of this translation.
--I've begun work on Ninja Ra Hoi! in earest.
--I've also realized it's not Ninja Rahoi.
"Ninja Ra Hoi!" is a more appropriate title.
--I'm also considering picking up what I
consider the Tales of Phantasia of the Famicom. It's a NES RPG made
by Enix. It has a strong storyline that incorporates a battle system
similar to the Shining Force Series but much more quickly paced. After some
grunt work/play by Madhacker and I we've found that it works very well
on BioNES and the font is not compressed. I'm looking to form a group to
work on this. If interested contact me. We have enough romhacking talent
for now I believe, so any translation assistance would be highly appreciated.
--Bokudono, translator for Ninja Rahoi has translated 1/6th of the script.
--Bokudono is also translating the game into Spanish which he has already begun
to hack into the game. View his work at his site
Bienvenido al sitio de Bokudono.
I myself have yet to do so for the english version but
it is on the way. Ninja Rahoi will become my main NES romhack project now that Silkroad is near
completion for release.
--A Destiny of an Emperor 2 project page is also on the way as a supplement to the official
Destiny Translations site.
--Also, last but not least, my 5 beta-testers (in order of joining): Wampus, Wildbill, Jair,
~* aStROcReEp 2000 *~, and er... I guess I'll call him GD123 (or will efaria do?).
--Beta Tester wanted! To test the NES RPG Rainbow Silkroad... I only need
4 to 5 people, Got one already, good ol' Wampus from my first attempt at translating this game.
--Presently Bokudono has taken up the role of translator of the Ninja Rahoi Project.
If all goes well, Bokudono will also serve as the romhacker for a Spanish
translation while I do the English one.
--Well I'm back from winter break with 3 patches finished!
--Kerokero Kerropi's Big Adventure Patch version 1.00 complete!
--Sanrio Cup Ponpon Volley Patch version 0.85 finished! It's not 100% complete but
I refuse to work on this pain in the ass patch anymore, so take it "As Is"...
--Rainbow Silkroad Patch version 1.00 beta complete! Now I need to get some
beta-testers to play through it looking for errors.
--Just learned to script dump... So what's the big deal, I dumped the script for Silkroad! Yup, I'm
finally going to start my revitalization effort to translate Rainbow Silkroad since my first attempt a it was also
my first foray into romhacking. Well, gotta get to some translating now, see ya later...
--Released a very early patch (version 0.01) for Ninja Rahoi.
Fonts replaced along with all the menus I could hunt down (and
I didn't hunt too hard).
--Actually started doing some translating on the Ninja Rahoi script as well as Destiny of an Emperor 2, block 2.
--Well GP has moved onto Taichou's fantastic server. Thanks Taichou!
--So what's really been up round this small little site? Well Ninja Rahoi is awaiting a full script dump.
Silkroad should be getting one soon too. I'm beginning another translation block for Destiny of an Emperor 2 also so things
don't look so bad. I also plan to finish as best I can that darm Sanrio game over my winter break. Not much else besides that
I'm still looking for some extra translation help.
--Oh, and I put up the new title screen for Sanrio Cup Ponpon Volley. Thanks to Zerostar for that!
--It's been some time since I've updated. There really isn't anything new to
announce of release. I am still looking for anyone interested in translating
in alongside me. A partial Ninja Rahoi dump is in hand and a complete one should be
in hand sometime in the future. Otherwise nothing has happened much but November's
going to be a month to expect any progress. Well, if anyone still drops by to see
what's up that's it for now...
--LOL! There's a typo in my title page! Dammit. I'll have to make it all over again later... Not a happy camper...
--Wheew! Fixed it, yeah!
--I've picked up a side project. I'll do it all for this one,
maybe even have the translated version and then a translated and graphically improved
version. Do i need any help? Script dump be nice. Eh, we'll the game
is Ninja Rahoi, a NES rpg.
--The font and basic menu screen are done for Ninja Rahoi.
--Due to time I'm inviting anyone with the know how and willingness to
continue my Sanrio Cup Ponpon Volley translation. The dialogue text is no
problem but dealing with the grapihcal sign boards is. Inverse, wanna take it
off my hands partially?
--Silkroad is slowly coming back to like under the expertise of The MadHacker.
Once he completes his modifications and gets the script dumps, I will finish the rest.
However I am looking for a translator for the NES rpg (no Kanji). While the work is already
under works the "revitalization" is loosely set at Thanksgiving (in the US ;) that is).
--I'm considering putting up a shrine or resource center for the Destiny of an Emperor series.
This sound good to anybody? Let me know.
--So what have i been doing? Well, I found out its
"Sanrio Cup Pon Pon Volley" not Pon Pon Ball and it's moving along nicely. Even got somebody
to fix me up with pretty looking title screen colors for the gfx change I did to it.
--The MadHacker is doing wonders with setting up Silkroad and I am eternally grateful.
--And I've been digging through a bit of the DoaE2 dump
--Started translating and hacking Sanrio Cup Ponponball, got a page
up and the intro done.
--Put up a page annoucing I'm now working with The MadHacker on the NES
rpg Musashi. The page'll get better, as in having real info
--Silkroad may be starting up again too. But I need a translator since
I'll just do the hacking this time around. Anyone interested?
--News Archive added too. Wow!
--Messing with a title, All this is very temporary. I'll make everything
all pretty later...
--Welcome to Gaijin Productions, so far, a team of one (with a
handful of great playtesters) working
on translating Japanese NES games into English. First off, I am
a translator first and will always be so. The programming aspect
is something I began dabbling in over the summer. The one project
on the board now is a NES RPG called Niji no Silkroad or Rainbow
Silkroad. A semi-historical game set along the cities of the Silkroad.
It's 15% of the way through, but I'm considering starting over.
Patch available