Little Master Episode 3 is my first SNES romhack translation attempt. So far I haven't
run across any difficulties and I know the rom well enough now to know I won't be running
into anything I can't handle (well that assertion is fairly tenative). Well the game itself
is fantastic. Its a strategy RPG along the lines of the Shining Force series. The graphics
are some of the best I've seen so far on the SNES in my humble opinion. In addition the
theme and storyline is very comical and I'm doing my best to keep it that way.
Here are progress pics:
Well I decided to create and release an early beta patch. The situation is that I don't have a script dump just yet, but its near done. The game has 2000 kanji which makes the task of creating a comprehensive table file daunting to say the least. But all that needs to be done now is scan the .ras files into KanjiOCR and verify each one. After that I'll need to go beg for someone to make a script dumper for the game.
I created this patch for mainly two reasons. One was to see if I could handle romhacking various aspects of the game, from names to dialogue to lists. Well after some work I now know I can. What's done so far is the entire introduction, a whole mess of menus and options, and just about everything you need to read to beat Chapter One in the smoldering ruins of Pazta Village. The text so far has been translated by playing through but this is only a temp thing. Once I get a script I'll be using that.
Well there are a few annoyances I'm dealing with however. One is that I can't fit the first and last names for the characters in the battle map screen and the status screen. I'm sure it could be done but it'd take more than I got. I've had to shorten them slightly. In a future release I'll note such changes accordingly in a readme file but for now, go with what i give ya.
The second reason is that I'd like to hear your intelligent comments and suggestions on the patch. Otherwise I'll ignore ya. I'm still working on the font too so suggestions there would be welcome. the original white on black font is still in the rom too, i just moved it in case I needed it. Also if you'd like to help translate drop me a line, but right now I don't need any romhacking help here, not yet. Okay, enough, on with the patch...
Here's the IPS Patch version 0.l5 zipped:
(Use SNEStool)
Thanks to all the folks you got prelim version of this. There were a few and rather than forget someone I'll just have to send a general thanks out for now.