Rainbow Silkroad

Rainbow Silkroad, the first NES game I ever tried to translate and romhack, is complete. Just so you know, Silkroad is a NES RPG set, of course, in the many pasts of the Silkroad. It stretches from Damascus and Mecca to Chang An and Tunhuang and beyond.

Here are those pics:

I had started earlier at the end of summer. That version, we'll call it the Alpha version only had 15% of the game done and was crap compared to the present Beta, which hopefully will become the final version. The Alpha was filled with squashed text everywhere. It was so bad I decided to start over from scratch. Well once Winter Break started I revived the Silkroad project. I dumped the text and banged out a complete (or so I think) translation in a month. If you want to see my progress since the Alpha, download both patches and see how far I've come. Here are the goods...
***WARNING***: I have yet to test this on other emulators but the game Rainbow Silkroad is known to crash sometimes on Nesticles when falling down certain pitfalls or using certain stairs. To rememdy the situation go to the option NES Timing and change the HBlanks from the default 115 to a lower value. I have tested it at 80 and the game works fine.
If someone would like to enlighten me on why it does this it would be appreciated. I doubt though that it has anything to do with the actual romhacking performed on the rom.

My Alpha version 0.15 playtesters:
Wampus, Cybergen, Jandar, and Gravedancer

My Beta version 1.00 playtesters:
Wampus, Wildbill, Jair, ~* aStROcReEp 2000 *~, Efaria, and Toma/Hello Keroppi
(Hope I didn't forget someone)

Here's the IPS Patch version 1.01 zipped:
(Use SNEStool)

Here's my first real attempt, the Alpha:
(Check it out for kicks)
